How to open without spilling umami soup stock
1. Cut the middle with scissors 2. Open cuts 1 and 2 in order.
Contains taurine for your cat's body
- Taurine is an essential ingredient for us. A lack of taurine can lead to poor eyesight, heart disease, reduced fertility, and stunted growth.
■How often and when to give treats to your cat
Treats are a tool for cats to deepen their communication, and the key is to give them as a reward rather than as a staple food. As for when you can start feeding your cat, the recommended age is between 3 months and 1 year old, and the amount should be less than 20% of the total calories a cat needs each day. Rather than giving treats every day, give them as a training reward, on special occasions, or to help when your dog doesn't eat much. Eating too many treats can cause your cat to become obese, making them more susceptible to various diseases.